From Couder’s Lab
From Couder’s Lab
Lieber, S. I., Hendershott, M. C., Pattanaporkratana, A., & Maclennan, J. E. (2007). Self-organization of bouncing oil drops: Two-dimensional lattices and spinning clusters. Physical Review E, 75(5), 056308.
Eddi, A., Moukhtar, J., Perrard, S., Fort, E., & Couder, Y. (2012). Level Splitting at Macroscopic Scale. Physical Review Letters, 108(26), 264503.
Protière, S., Boudaoud, A., & Couder, Y. (2006). Particle-wave association on a fluid interface. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 554(10), 85-108.
Couder, Y., Fort, E., Gautier, C. H., & Boudaoud, A. (2005). From bouncing to floating: Noncoalescence of drops on a fluid bath. Physical review letters,94(17), 177801.
Protiere, S. (2007). Gouttes rebondissantes: une association onde-particule à échelle macroscopique (Doctoral dissertation, Université Paris-Diderot-Paris VII).
Couder, Y., Boudaoud, A., Protière, S., & Fort, E. (2007). Les gouttes marcheuses-Une forme de dualité onde-particule à échelle macroscopique?.Reflets de la physique, (5), 20-24.
Bush, J. W. (2010). Quantum mechanics writ large. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 107(41), 17455-17456.
Couder, Y., & Fort, E. (2012, May). Probabilities and trajectories in a classical wave-particle duality. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 361, No. 1, p. 012001). IOP Publishing.
Eddi, A., Sultan, E., Moukhtar, J., Fort, E., Rossi, M., & Couder, Y. (2011). Information stored in faraday waves: the origin of a path memory. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 674, 433.
Eddi, A., Fort, E., Moisy, F., & Couder, Y. (2009). Unpredictable tunneling of a classical wave-particle association. Physical review letters, 102(24), 240401.
Couder, Y., Fort, E., Gautier, C. H., & Boudaoud, A. (2005). From bouncing to floating: noncoalescence of drops on a fluid bath. Physical review letters,94(17), 177801..
Couder, Y., & Fort, E. (2006). Single-particle diffraction and interference at a macroscopic scale. Physical review letters, 97(15), 154101.
Un résumé de TP License 3 à l’ENS Lyon reproduisant l’expérience de diffraction à travers une fente :
This is the first paper on the subject.
Couder, Y., Protiere, S., Fort, E., & Boudaoud, A. (2005). Dynamical phenomena: Walking and orbiting droplets. Nature, 437(7056), 208-208.
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