When two walking droplets start turning around each other, the distance between them is n times the wavelength (with n an integer) plus a constant.
Posted by heligone on Jun 19, 2013 | 7 comments
When two walking droplets start turning around each other, the distance between them is n times the wavelength (with n an integer) plus a constant.
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Wow !!! Super Good !!! I still can get how you make wave sooo long. Higher the amplitude doesn’t change much wave length on my device. So what does ??? Can you tell us what frequency you use for every next video, please 🙂 keep uploading !!!
One more thing. Some 3 Bouncer droplets setup, when put 2 droplets right next to eachother and 1 few wave length away (kind of V shape) all Bouncers will move in one direction. I think becouse of interference between them. I’m going to upload video so you will see 🙂
How did you set up the lighting here? The visualization of the waves is amazing!
light is up and camera is down
frequency is 70 HZ and oil is silicon oil viscosity 20 Cst. Maximum amplitude of the wave is when you put amplitute of the speaker *just* below the Faraday instability thresold ie just before the liquid surface becomes full of waves
how many droplet can you join in a “cristal-like” fashion ? some arrangments will move by themself, and have been called “drifting raft”.
heligone please have a look at this website: